Saturday, May 7, 2016


Dockside Shoe

Also know as Boat Shoe or  Deck shoes are typically canvas or leather with non-marking rubber soles designed for use on a boat. Boat shoes are traditionally worn without socks.


Dessert Boot

Dessert Boots always have suede uppers and crepe rubber soles. Dessert boots is a variation of chukka boots.

Drop Shoulder

A shoulder style of a garment of which the seam falls on the upper arm instead of the shoulder.

Decollete Neck

Decolletage is a french word which is derived from dĂ©colleter, meaning to reveal the neck.The neckline which revels or emphasis cleavege.Low cut neckline are feature of ball gowns, evening gowns,swimwer etc.

Double Collar

Two collar of the same shape. The upper smaller to show the lower one.

Dolman Sleeves 

Sleeves may be cut in one with the front and back of the garment or may be attached to the front and back with a vertical seam.Sleeve is usually long and fitted at the waist.

Dropwaist Dress

Dress with elongated bodiece so that the waistline seam falls below waist.
dress by Monique Lhuillier via fashionbombdaily

Draped Dress

Dress with additional fullness pleated,gathered or held to one side.

Double Breasted Jacket

Front closing jacket with wide overlaps.Appeares to be closed wit double layer of button although one set may actually function while the other is for decorative purpose.
Tommy Hilfiger 

Duffle Coat

Three quater length coat with attached hood fasted with wooden or metal toggles. Also know as toggle coat.

Draped Skirt

Skirt with additional fullness, pletes or gathered at one side.

Deerstalker Cap

deerstalker is a type of cap that is typically worn in rural areas, often for hunting, especially deer stalking.


A style of women shoe in which the vamp of the shoe is cut away very close to the toe box and the sides are cut away, reveling the arch of the foot.

Doctor Bag

A medical bag .The medical bag was made of leather, opened on the top with a split-handle design.
Dcotor Bag 

Duffle/Sea Bag

Dior Duffle Bag


Thin, sheer flowly fabric.


Type of feather used to insulate winter coats and jackets.

Dressmaker Coat

Dressmaker coat is is a woman's coat designed with softer lines and “special” details not often found in standard outerwear; thus, it's styled more like a dress.

Duchesse Satin

An elegant and lustrous fabric, duchesse satin is shiny, heavy, and luxurious. Often used for couture wedding gowns or extravagant home decor, it has been around since ancient China

Lavin one shoulder in Duchess Satin

Dad Fashion

Drindil Skirt

A silhouette of a skirt which sits tight at the waist with gathers and falls below the knees. 
Dior Drindil Skirt

Court Shoes 

A womens lighweight shoe that has low cur upper, no fastening and typically a medium heel.
Court Shoe

Dressing Gown

  A long loose robe typically worn after bath or bed.


A style that looks like it has survived an accident or have gotten mauled by a wild animal.


Befitting someone who is very much the counter squire. Well spoken, well dresses and rather upclass.

Disclaimer: All Images have been downloaded from GoogleImages.Links are provided.

All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. 

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